Steel, Porn Footballers

The editorial of Mode and Beauty honestly tried to deal with all the playoffs, off-sites and other penalty on Euro-2016, but when you watch the game of beautiful men, the brain is off. And to look at ordinary handsome men even more fun, even if it's a bearded and starving captain of Iceland's prefabricated. Vikings, which became the opening of this championship, may not have been the most cherished of Euro-2016, but their safe passage to the quarter final is respectful. Respect for beards.
The vegetation trend on the face, the fever of enchanted oysters, has created a wave of matrimonial and barbershops, reviving the tradition of cyrulen of the past century.
Historically, barbershop was a man's salon, which, in addition to its direct functions, has always been a place for communication: the walk to the brewery was accompanied by reading the newspaper and discussing local news and spleen.
Buryatia beards, where are you?
Ulan-Ude, because, for example, some of our particular features, beards aren't much, so there's no classic ciylene, but a saddle (bearding beard) and a class hair can be done in the Subadi studio.
We decided that the stylish hair and beard of Captain Aron Gunnarsso of Iceland's prefabricated can come to our famous television host, Valery Skosyrsky. What do you think?
Another variation in the combination of beards and can be found in Raul Meyreless, a Portuguese defence. Iroquez and Zevs' beard is a great combination of a famous football player, a kind of scary but giving the impression of a brave and determined man.
That's the most stylish version of the trend--- not the first season, so the strong half of Burya is slow, but it's been really fashionable. Although there are others who say, "Give us boxes like Marhaev Communist." Or fall under my hair, like a soldier.
Shortened Visas and sufficient Long hair It creates a vibrant and masculine image. In addition, the Anderkat is also very comfortable - it can always be changed by playing with a long hair.
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