Folklore Style In Clothing

♪ This article contains a list of sources or external references, but the sources of individual allegations remain unclear for lack of footnotes. You can...
- (lat. stilus, stylus, from the Greek stelos is the sharp end of the letter stick), the sustainable unity of the model system, the exemplary means that characterize the arts of the arts, be it large... the artistic encyclopedia
♪ Literature and art walls, stable integrity or commonality of the model system, artistic expressions, specimens characterizing the work or the combination of works. C. Also called the system... Big Soviet encyclopedia.
- I (Stál) Andre (R. 1.4.1921, Ernyi, Department of Nor), French writer, publicist. Member of the French Communist Party (FPC) since 1942. Graduated at Lille. Licence of literature and philosophy. Participated in the Movement... Big Soviet encyclopedia.
- modern style using national suit elements. (Module Encyclopedia. _
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- I'm sorry. Folklore style♪ 2. Music style based on popular music. II non-style. 1. Folklore. 2. People's melodies, napes. Ephremov Silk Dictionary... modern, Russian-language vocabulary
- (Hrodoios) The native of Galicarnas (on Y. Z. M. Asia) was from a family that played a role in politics. Participated in the fight against tyranny, and was... ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia