Clothed Clothes

It's like a stile between storms: the spring storm was stormy, and now it's quiet, and as long as it's still quiet, and even looking for new waves to roll, I'm a little lazy, because I know that new unavoidable hurricanes are waiting for the fall, and some people are going to be happy, so I'm going to have to have some boiling emotions. So stay on our channel:
If you think music is the only main passion in my life, it's three times wrong: in my emotional space, it's the most beautiful thing to do with a great passion for a Mayk-Apu, interest in baby, cellular meals and all kinds of leather, love to read the bubbles and documentaries. in clothing and liifstail, in principle, minimalism in all its manifestations, physics and astronomy (yes, girls have such interests as:) and, of course, movies. But I don't write about anything. Museums, as the main theme of my blog, are already some specific brand that's formed, and you won't kill it, even if you want to:)
So, in the music (and so in the burns) I have a soft brake regime. Soon the vacation, the lake-sea, then the gentle Moscow August and the closing of the season, and then the fall on which I already have a megaplan:
You don't miss it here if anything. Although I don't limit the muse, I come and I write it. The Pre-Prestrial series will definitely continue:)
And I'll bring musical gifts as something interesting happens.
I recommend anyone who believes in my taste and shares my waves:
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