Female Classical Style

Clothing in classical style is considered to be the starting point of all modular trends. It is a fundamental basis of fashion and is very popular with those people who have revealed a secret of classic image: elegance in simplicity.
The classic style of women ' s clothing is neutral, self-restraint, but often designers focus on classical lines while creating bright, resembling images. That's the whole classic paradox. Such a style does not need it, but rather does not tolerate a hypertrophed decor screaming extravagantness, too much for it is considered a sandtrot. The strength of lines, simplicity and minimism are the basic features that distinguish the steep of the classical style, but how can such a conservative direction in the clothing be able to keep up with its relevance in the modern extraordinary, epic fashion world?
The history of the classic clothing style is deeply rooted in English puritanism, so often this image in clothing has the second name of purism. Puritanism is a philosophical system of attitudes that promoted the minimization of the needs of people expressed through external behaviour. I mean, if the clothes can now be regarded as hardly an express form of expression, the classic style puts the veto on any excess.
Main trends in classical clothing style
The classic rites are highly humble, simple rabbit and fason, but such minimism of the details is capable of seducating women ' s figures without giving them unnecessary eroticism. Puritan blankets have a light outflight, intriguing mysteriousness, which is why so many known women prefer classics.
It's worth remembering the legendary expression Coco Chanel: "If you were struck by a beautiful woman, but you can't remember what she was wearing, she was dressed perfectly." It's a spectacle like any other thing that can affect the depth of its loyalty when it comes to classics.